The GolfBuddy PT4 has been retired. Check out our current recommendations for today's best golf rangefinders..
Based on our experience with the GolfBuddy PT4 and on customer feedback that we have reviewed, we are not recommending it. Instead, we suggest taking a look at our current Best Golf GPS summaries.
GolfBuddy PT4 User Rating:
3.50 out of 5 (49 reviews)
Score compiled from multiple sources.We’ve heard from enough users and had trouble with the GolfBuddy PT4 ourselves. We just cannot recommend this unit. We recommend you take a look at our current list of top golf GPS devices.
The highlight of the GolfBuddy PT4 is the size. Unlike other golf GPS handhelds, the PT4 is more like a good sized smartphone. Not everyone wants a big GPS, but it’s really nice to see those full hole views on the 4″ screen and it’s got room for pretty large numbers. Touch targeting is great, but because of the size of the numbers, we often have to zoom into the spot we are targeting in order to get enough precision. Fortunately, it has many levels of zoom, giving you an even better look at the hole. We give the PT4 the edge over Garmin on screen size and readability.
We also like the green view options on this GolfBuddy. Touch targeting the pin is easy and there is a second option for viewing the green, that adds a grid and even bigger numbers for the distances.
The GolfBuddy PT4 comes with a 47 page manual vs. the Garmin Approach G6 that has a four-page manual. There are lots of people who would be thrilled to get an electronic gadget that came with the detailed manual, so that’s a plus. However, the Garmin G6 is so intuitive, that you don’t really need much instruction. With the PT4, you should at least take it with you to the course in case you run into something that’s not so intuitive.
The scoring and stats on the PT4 are not as easy as we’ve found on any of the Garmin models, but then again, it’s not that hard. It’s just a little confusing the first time you press “Score” and it’s asking you which nine you are playing. Seems silly, since it should know what hole you are playing.
We’ve had a couple of problems with the GolfBuddy, but we’re not exactly sure what caused them. On one occasion, it seemed to totally freeze up and since the manual wasn’t handy, we had to wait until the unit ran completely out of battery for it to shut down. Another time, the unit found it’s way to a language with which we weren’t familiar. Let’s just say it took a little luck to find our way back to English. Only more testing will tell whether these issues were flukes or flaws.
In the end, we do not recommend the GolfBuddy PT4. GolfBuddy has done a great job with their smaller voice GPS models, so don’t write them off altogether.
GolfBuddy PT4 | ||
Course Download Fees | No | |
Pre-loaded with Courses | Yes | |
Full Hole Views | Yes | |
Slope / Elevation | No | |
Battery Life | 8 hours | |
Battery | Lithium-ion recharge | |
Size (Width x Height x Depth) | 5 in. x 2.7 in. x .59 in. | |
Measure Shot Distance | Yes | |
Screen Size | 4 | |
Resolution | N/A | |
Display Type | Color TFT LCD | |
Weight | 5.39 oz. | |
Rainproof | water resistant | |
Touch Screen | Yes | |
Touch Targeting | Yes | |
Manual Pin Positioning | Yes | |
Stat Tracker | Yes | |
Digital Scorecard | Yes | |
Computer Analysis Tools | No | |
Ground Verified | Yes | |
Alternate Targets | Yes | |
Green Rotates to your shot angle | Yes | |
USGA Compliant (local rule) | Yes | |
Notes | Larger Screen makes graphics and numbers easier to see. | |
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Good when it works but I constantly have problems with mine. Definitely NOT worth the high price tag.
Hi Gary. Do you find the issues are largely with the lack of simplicity? As much as I love what the PT4 promises, it’s just a little frustrating and too time-consuming on the golf course.
Very disappointed on / off button very frustrating to turn off over the last 2 weeks the yardage is at least 25 yards out overall very disappointed with this device
Hi John. Thanks for the feedback on the PT4. GolfBuddy seems to be best at making smaller devices. Their handhelds just don’t measure up to the competition.
This a woeful product. On off switch really bad, freezes all the time on course, does not change holes. Yardage way out. Worst ever bit of equipment. Don’t buy it.
Same problems. Yardage out, on/off switch ? Does not change holes. My first one got a little light rain on screen, it broke. I got a replacement, same problems as before. Last week it would not charge at all ! American Golf tested it, now it too is returned to factory !!!
Had this product for about a month now,in that time have played about three or four courses and on some of the holes have to manually change,particulary bad between 13 And 14 at Richmond,but not every time,issue with on off switch which keeps catching,also just tried registering the unit to find that its not compatible with Windows 10.
Been advised by Golf Buddy to send it to them for firmware update,not what you need to hear.
That’s not good. I hope you get it back quickly and it works better for you! Let us know.
i have managed to update mine with windows 10
Golf buddy has changed the PT4 3 times with different problems.
Wrong date when export to course manager.
Frezzes several times.
Restarts several times.
They must have serius problemes with the sw.
The first time I tried to use mine yesterday after charging it and setting up I got to the course and tapped play mode and it completely seized up – the screen alternated between a picture and a black screen and at the bottom it said “safe mode” but I can’t find anything about safe mode in the manual. Eventually I disconnected the battery but by the the battery had dropped to empty.
Hi Linda. Sorry to hear you are having problems with the GolfBuddy PT4. We are in the process of updating our review and we won’t be recommending this device. You are not the first to have problems like this. If there is a chance you can still return it, that may be your best bet. GolfBuddy Customer Service is usually responsive, so you can also contact them and see if they can help. On this page on their website, you can find some troubleshooting steps and also phone numbers to contact them. Good luck and let us know how it turns out.
Hi, I received one of these for Christmas (not from this website)This is a terrible product – do not waste your money! It feels like a cheap android phone from about 3 years ago. There is a delay when you push the bottoms or have to press multiple times. I have had times when it doesn’t ‘boot’ just has initialisating screen. Battery power seems bad, I charged it last night and wouldn’t power in this afternoon and I had to plug it in before powering and battery was empty. I could barely see the screen in bright sunshine. The scoring system is just terrible. I’m really disappointed with this unit. I get the feeling golf Buddy have set a price point to give the impression their products are up to the same standard as Garmin but quite frankly this company is ripping people off with an inferior really cheap feeding product at a high price point. I’m extremely insatiafiied with this product!!
Spelling mistakes in my review sum up my fury with this product !!
Hi Ian. So sorry you are having so much trouble with the PT4. Although we had previously only recommended it for a very small subset of patient users with particular needs, we are not updating our review to say that we don’t recommend it for anyone. I hope you can return it and get something that works. If not, maybe you can get GolfBuddy to send you their GolfBuddy LR5 laser rangefinder (affiliate link) AND the GolfBuddy Voice2 GPS, rather than a replacement. Best of luck to you and thanks for letting us know.
Definitely would not recommend. Although acurate with nice features, the unit crashes way too often. But worse than that, I’ve had mine for just over a year and the screen cracked, much like what happens to many cell phones. GolfBuddy DOES NOT repair their screens. They offer a minimal discount to buy a brand new one for $200+. Added with the original high price of $300+ already spent, just not a good policy. So for those owners, take special care since the screen cannot be repaired. Totally unacceptable for a unit at that price. Looking now to buy a Garmin.
Hi Ed. Sorry to hear about your problems with the GolfBuddy PT4. We also experienced the crash problems and do not recommend buying this unit. Here are our current top picks for GPS golf rangefinders.
Just got mine, at least you guys have had a chance to use yours! Mine wont work unless its plugged into power point, its not charging and its brand new, havent taken it to the course yet. What a joke.
Hi Mike. I hope you can return it and get a Garmin G6 or the new Garmin G30.
My wife bought me one this past Christmas. Pretty pricey up here in Canada. Had only used half a dozen times when a black line appeared across the screen about 1/2″ from the top. Wrote to Golf Buddy and sent all required information. First replied they would give me a credit on a new one!!! Wrote back and said not acceptable. They replied that if repairable they would do it for around $105. Have written back to find out why it wouldn’t be under warranty. Still waiting for reply!!! Can’t understand such poor customer service.
Sorry to hear that. This PT4 hasn’t proven to be very reliable. I might try to get them to replace it with the GolfBuddy Voice 2 or a laser rangefinder. Let us know what happens.
It is not possible to change the hole index accurately if your course indexes the holes as 1-36 as Golf Buddy only allows indexes of 1-18. On my course, Stableford points are inaccurate on 3 holes. The backlighting is poor and cannot be read in direct sunlight and can only be kept on ‘Bright’ for a maximum of 30 secs. Not a fan. Should have spent my money on something else. Live and learn !
I have a PF4 GOLF Buddy with a lot of problems. What should I buy to replace this model???
Hi Craig,
If you don’t mind a little smaller unit, the Garmin Approach G30 is a nice little unit. For something bigger, check out the Garmin Approach G8. The newest Garmin Approach G80 is sweet if you want the built-in launch monitor.