Swami Sport GPS Review

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'Izzo Swami Sport'

Izzo Swami Sport
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Our Swami Sport GPS Review will be completed in the coming weeks, but at first glance we think this unit looks like a great fit for a select set of golfers. First of all, the price is right for anyone on a budget. Secondly, we love the way this unit is designed to clip onto a golf bag. Honestly, other than having a golf watch on your wrist, we think clipping a GPS right on your bag is the most convenient place to have it. The bold, bright color will ensure that you don’t have trouble spotting it!

Izzo Swami Sport User Rating: 3.46 Stars 3.46 out of 5 (138 reviews)

Score compiled from multiple sources.

The unit displays distance to the center in a large font and the distances to front and back in a medium sized font. The hole number, par and time of day are in a small font, but it’s nice that everything shows on the main screen. As the long is it changes holes automatically, there wouldn’t be any need to touch the unit during the round. However, in some Izzo devices, we’ve found that if left in a cart away from the green, the auto hole advance does not work. On this unit, it looks like easy enough to change holes manually with the press of a button.

It’s certainly small enough to carry in your pocket, but accidental button presses could be a problem.

Izzo continues to put out quality low cost golf GPS units that deliver simplicity and accuracy, so we’re anxious to put this one to the test.

Notable Features of the Swami Sport Golf GPS
  • Distance to front, middle and back of the green on the main screen.
  • Pre-loaded with over 30,000 golf courses worldwide.
  • No computer downloads or annual subscription required.
  • Simple and easy to read display
  • Main screen includes hole number, par, and time of day.
  • Rechargeable Lithium Ion Battery lasts up to two rounds.
  • Includes carabineer and USB charging cable.
Izzo Swami Sport Specifications
Izzo Swami Sport
Course Download Fees No
Pre-loaded with Courses Yes
Full Hole Views Yes
Slope / Elevation No
Battery Life up to 2 rounds
Battery rechargeable Li-ion
Size (Width x Height x Depth) N/A in. x N/A in. x N/A in.
Measure Shot Distance No
Screen Size N/A
Resolution mono
Display Type LCD
Weight N/A oz.
Rainproof N/A
Touch Screen No
Touch Targeting No
Manual Pin Positioning No
Stat Tracker No
Digital Scorecard No
Computer Analysis Tools N/A
Ground Verified N/A
Alternate Targets No
Green Rotates to your shot angle N/A
USGA Compliant (local rule) Yes
Notes includes carabineer clip
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  1. Bart Broderick says

    Ihave one like no 2 above. Not working. Just shows Firmware Update. It appears to be stuck and nothing happens when you press the buttons, Any ideas or help ???Bart.

    • Golf Rangefinder Shop says

      Hi Bart. Have you tried a hard reset? You do this by holding down both Arrow buttons and the OK/Menu button at the same time. This should force the SWAMI to shutoff. Then turn the power back on.

      Hopefully, that will take care of it, but if not, call Swami Support at 800-777-7899, or send an email to sales@izzo.com. Their office hours are Monday through Friday from 8:00 am – 6:00 pm Eastern Time.

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