Bushnell Yardage Pro Tour Golf Rangefinder may mean different things to different people. Within its golf product line, Bushnell now uses this naming convention “Yardage Pro” to refer to GPS Golf Rangefinders. However on many retail websites, you will see the same term refer to laser yardage binoculars, usually earlier models. Whatever your preference, here is our summary of various products in both categories.
Laser Yardage Pro Rangefinders
- Bushnell Yardage Pro Sport 450 Laser Rangefinder – this device is a best-seller because of the price point. The customer reviews aren’t nearly as enthusiastic as they are for the Pinseeker 1500, but if you have steady hands, you may still want to consider it.
- Bushnell Yardage Pro Golf Pinseeker 1500 – This unit is rated very highly by consumers and is available with and without Slope.
- Bushnell Yardage Pro Laser Rangefinders Elite 1500 – The technology on this device is more sophisticated than the Pinseeker 1500, but the price point has kept it out of the hands of the masses. Still the user reviews are strong and the prices seem to be coming down quickly.
- Bushnell Yardage Pro Scout Laser Rangefinder – From the name you can tell this unit isn’t just for golf, but it’s a compact device with excellent reviews from golfers and hunters alike.
GPS Yardage Pro Devices
- Bushnell Yardage Pro XGC Golf GPS – The “C” in “XGC” stands for color. Although Bushnell has been on top of the laser rangefinder charts  for years, they are still trying to climb their way to the top of the GPS Rangefinder list. This unit is their current bestseller and gets some very good reviews. The price might make this unit appealing, but Garmin and SkyGolf still lead the way in golf GPS.
- Bushnell Yardage Pro XG Golf GPS – If you want the basics at an affordable price, you might consider this unit. It doesn’t have color, but gives clear distances to the front, middle and back of every green. It seems fairly comparable to the more popular Garmin GolfLogix.
- Bushnell Yardage Pro Golf GPS – We suggest staying away from the earlier Bushnell  models as most reviewers were not happy with these units. Stick with the XG and XGC models until something new comes along.