The GolfBuddy VS4 has been retired. Check out our current recommendations for today's best golf rangefinders..
GolfBuddy isn’t messing with a good thing. The two predecessors to the VS4, the GolfBuddy Voice and Voice+ are on the top of our rankings charts for a reason…
GolfBuddy VS4 User Rating: 4.41 out of 5 (457 reviews)
Score compiled from multiple sources.they are small, super easy to use and get great battery life. The VS4 builds on that by adding water resistance. Voice and/or digital display provide distances to the front, middle and back of the greens. Dynamic green view shows the shape of the green from your angle of approach and shot measuring gives you direct feedback about your game. Early user reviews are terrific and the price is nice! A watchband can be purchased separately.
GolfBuddy VS4 | ||
Course Download Fees | No | |
Pre-loaded with Courses | Yes | |
Full Hole Views | Yes | |
Slope / Elevation | No | |
Battery Life | 10 hrs | |
Battery | Li-Poly Recharge | |
Size (Width x Height x Depth) | 1.76 in. x 1.78 in. x .49 in. | |
Measure Shot Distance | Yes | |
Screen Size | N/A | |
Resolution | N/A | |
Display Type | mono LCD | |
Weight | 1.02 oz. | |
Rainproof | Yes | |
Touch Screen | No | |
Touch Targeting | No | |
Manual Pin Positioning | No | |
Stat Tracker | No | |
Digital Scorecard | No | |
Computer Analysis Tools | No | |
Ground Verified | Yes | |
Alternate Targets | No | |
Green Rotates to your shot angle | Yes | |
USGA Compliant (local rule) | Yes | |
Notes | Voice plus digital display. Optional watchband. Flip screen features makes it readable from either side (useful when clipped on belt). | |
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